Sunday, December 18, 2011
Like Music?
Listen. She's good. We went to the same school for a year. I don't really know her and she doesn't know me, but someone linked to her youtube page on facebook, so I listened and she sounds way good. I decided that she deserves more attention than she's getting, so I am trying to help. Real music lovers would listen.
Haven't you ever wanted to help someone? Give her some views people!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Blonde Jokes.
A blonde and a lawyer are seated next to each other on a flight from Los Angeles to New York.
The lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game. The blonde, tired, just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks. The lawyer
persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun.
He says, "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me five dollars, and vice versa."
persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun.
He says, "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me five dollars, and vice versa."
Again, she declines and tries to get some sleep.
The lawyer, now agitated, says, "Okay, if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500."
This catches the blonde's attention and, figuring there will be no end to this torment, agrees to the game.
The lawyer asks the first question: "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?"
The blonde doesn't say a word, reaches into her purse, pulls out a $5.00 bill, and hands it to the lawyer.
"Okay," says the lawyer, "your turn."
She asks, "What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four legs?"
The lawyer, puzzled, takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references ... no answer. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the Internet and the Library of Congress ... no answer. Frustrated, he sends e-mails to all his friends and coworkers but to no avail.
After an hour, he wakes the blonde and hands her $500.
The blonde thanks him and turns back to get some more sleep.
The lawyer, who is more than a little miffed, stirs the blonde and asks, "Well, what's the answer?"
Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5, and goes back to sleep.
Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5, and goes back to sleep.
Good Right?
Goodness Sakes
M&M Duels
Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.
Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.
I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theatre of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.
Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.
When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."
This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.
There can be only one.
These are all things that were said by pilots:
Pilot: "Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we land. It's a bit cold outside, and if you walk on the wings it affects the flight pattern."
"Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but they'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you or your money more than Southwest Airlines."
As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Washington National, a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella. Whoa!"
After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in Chicago, a flight attendant on a Northwest flight announced: "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as hell everything has shifted."
From a Southwest Airlines employee: "There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane."
From a Southwest Airlines employee: "Welcome aboard Southwest Flight XXX to Chicago. To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seatbelt and if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with two small children, decide now which one you love more."
After landing: "Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."
"Your seat cushions can be used for flotation. In the event of an emergency water landing, please take them with our compliments."
"As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses."
After a real crusher of a landing in Phoenix, the flight attendant got on the PA and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt up against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we'll open the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the terminal."
"Last one off the plane must clean it."
From the pilot during his welcome message: "We are pleased to have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately none of them are on this flight."
This was overheard on an American Airlines flight into Amarillo, Texas, on a particularly windy and bumpy day. During the final approach, the captain was really having to fight it. After an extremely hard landing, the flight attendant came on the PA and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Amarillo. Please remain in your seats with your seatbelts fastened while the captain taxis what's left of our airplane to the gate!"
An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited, smile, and give them a, "Thanks for flying XYZ airline." He said that in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally, everyone had gotten off except for this little old lady walking with a cane. She said, "Sonny, did we land or were we shot down?"
Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing: "We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."
Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us here at US Airways."
Found these on StumbleUpon. Well my school computer blocks it so I had to use a proxy to get around it, and I didn't want to lose it so I just put it on here.Enjoy!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Life and all it has to offer.
1. Looking for someone never works.
You can look all you want but that won't guarantee that you'll find someone and you can't waste all your time looking for a significant other. I believe everyone has the potential to fall in love and there is someone for everyone, but if you try and force love then it will never work, you can't make yourself love someone, it won't work out.
Nobody is perfect, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship either. The thing about love is that it isn't with the perfect person, everyone has faults, it's with someone that you love despite of their faults. It's learning to deal with all of them. Duh people.
I used to think when I saw kids getting together that they all seemed like great couples and that they would last, then I saw the truth. High school relationships do not last past high school. It doesn't effing work. We are all too young and too immature to know how to be a good significant other. Half of us don't even know who we are, or what we want to do. And not to mention the hormones. I see couples now as ticking time bombs, just waiting to explode. People constantly break up and then fall in "love" again.
Don't even get me started on stupid girls who swear they fall in love the first week of the relationship. They think they are in love with someone they barely know, how much can you know a person after only knowing them for a couple days, how much do you really know a person after a year? As much as they want, really. What's worse about all this? They have unprotected sex. Guys think pulling out is enough and girls think if they give themselves to a guy they will love them. I am so sick of girls getting pregnant. There are so many ways to not have babies! Utilize them people! Girls it's up to you to make sure. Refuse sex without a condom, or get the PILL. Guys You don't want kids! CONDOMS don't rely on girls to take their pills on time every time, they are a pain in the butt. So come on people there are enough kids in the world already. You're not ready to support another human.
Keep on arguing.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Home, Home on the Raaaaaaaaaange
Woot. Tigers won. =)
Like that picture? Me too. Love the brotips.
But man, there is something awesome about everyone and you need to start believing it. Don't be a baby or a wussy, get with it and start acting awesome. And not in a "I'm awesome, (but I'm actually a juice bag)!" sort of way. Just a "I'm pretty fly. (I'm cool but I don't forget who my friends are and I'm not too cool to talk to anyone)!" sort of way. Ya know? Be confident in yourself, because you only get to be one person. I hate it when people are awesome and they don't see it. Love yourself bro!
Babiiiieeeesss. I want to know why they all have these mussed up names. Like that celeb who named the kid Apple. Holy shitballs. Who names their kid Apple? It's insane. Pick a name for your kid and stick with it. An actual NAME. Not a freaking fruit or a bunch of letters you saw in a bowl of letter soup. Crazy parents need to stop trying to make their kid something special by naming them dumb names. If they would allow their kids to grow up with a regular name their kids will be able to find something special about themselves without having to grow up in the shadow of their own name.
Like my ranting? I do it quite often. I don't know why I get so heated when I talk about...well basically everything.
Ah well.
So I read the book Battle Royal. Oh my gosh it was so good. Basically it is about a class in Japan that was selected for this thing called the "Program" and they were put on an Island and they were told to kill each other. They each got a weapon, and whichever person was last alive, won. Lots of blood. Lots of gore. But a good story line. I would suggest it for anyone who loves a good book. Maybe not for anyone with a weak tummy though.
Oh so one of my friends is home from college (which is seven hours away) for the weekend, and I didn't know she was coming down, so when I saw her I almost cried. I was so happy!
I don't think I have much else to say...
I'm being Misty for Halloween. =)
Keep on rocking.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Shellaced babe
For Homecoming I got my nails done. I got shellac.

I wasn't sure at first, but I've made up my mind. It's friggen magic.

First day I got them done. They are purple if you can't tell. Periodically throughout the week I would scratch something and think oh crap I did it now, thinking I messed it up. No chance buck.

No change. Well except my nails have grown out. Amazing right? Right. I would suggest this to people who don't have time to think about their nails constantly, or if they look good. I legit would have to scrape this stuff off. And it's so smooth. The only bad thing is that it stays on so long that your nails grow out. But is that even a bad thing? That means it's so kick ass the only bad thing is that it stays on super long.
I wasn't sure at first, but I've made up my mind. It's friggen magic.
First day I got them done. They are purple if you can't tell. Periodically throughout the week I would scratch something and think oh crap I did it now, thinking I messed it up. No chance buck.
No change. Well except my nails have grown out. Amazing right? Right. I would suggest this to people who don't have time to think about their nails constantly, or if they look good. I legit would have to scrape this stuff off. And it's so smooth. The only bad thing is that it stays on so long that your nails grow out. But is that even a bad thing? That means it's so kick ass the only bad thing is that it stays on super long.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Fricken A
As I was growing up my mother told me never to swear. Never. I wasn't even allowed to say Oh my God. Very conservative. But as a I grew up and went to public school, I found I was surrounded by people using the bad words more and more. I learned new words that were completely foreign to me. I didn't really use them during my middle school years. I remember the first time I used a naughty word. It made my stomach churn. I was afraid to.
Even as a freshman, my capacity for swearing was rather low. Then when later in my high school years it became easier and easier the more I would say the words. Now it seems to be amazingly easy. I can literally swear and feel nothing. Before I thought "Hey I can think of more clever ways to insult people, I don't need those words! I can describe things without saying f*** every other word" and I can. I can insult people without swearing. I can describe things without saying F***. But sometimes I just can't help it. I can't seem to find the words to say what I mean and the swear words describe them perfectly. But when I hear other people swear constantly, it makes me look at them differently. They don't sound intelligent.

What I've been contemplating is whether or not I should swear. Or how much I should swear. Or whatever. Because believe me sometimes it is just great.
There is this kid who I'm pretty sure wants to get in my pants, but you couldn't pay me to. I mean I know I'm not the hottest shiz, but I've got some self respect. So basically he wanted me to text him, and I tried to divert him from wanting me to by saying...
(which is a lie)
I had been talking to my friend about it and when I got that message (on FB) I took a picture and sent it to her with the label F**************************CK. She had told me to just say no but of course I didn't want to be mean, so that's how I tried to get him to not talk to me. Did not work out. I tried again...
(Bigger lie)
Fricken No. It didn't work AGAIN. I again texted this picture to my friend with the same label as the one before. She replied "He just practically said he loved you already. He accepts all your faults and wants to love you forever" I died laughing at that.
But I know I kinda got off track with that story but what I was trying to say was that what else could I have said that would show my frustration as well? At the same time I would love to be so intellectual that I don't need these words.
Dannnggg it. I thought typing it out would help me make a choice, but I'm so much more confused.
I think I'm not going to stop swearing, but I'll tone it down. The less I swear, the more effect those words will have when I do use them. Sound good? Now swearing isn't for everyone and if you don't like to swear, I would so support that option because that shows strength and self power and that is something I'm jealous of. Fricken yes.
I think it's something you have to figure out for yourself. Do whatever is right for you and your situation.
Come on Babe
What I've been contemplating is whether or not I should swear. Or how much I should swear. Or whatever. Because believe me sometimes it is just great.
There is this kid who I'm pretty sure wants to get in my pants, but you couldn't pay me to. I mean I know I'm not the hottest shiz, but I've got some self respect. So basically he wanted me to text him, and I tried to divert him from wanting me to by saying...
I had been talking to my friend about it and when I got that message (on FB) I took a picture and sent it to her with the label F**************************CK. She had told me to just say no but of course I didn't want to be mean, so that's how I tried to get him to not talk to me. Did not work out. I tried again...
Fricken No. It didn't work AGAIN. I again texted this picture to my friend with the same label as the one before. She replied "He just practically said he loved you already. He accepts all your faults and wants to love you forever" I died laughing at that.
But I know I kinda got off track with that story but what I was trying to say was that what else could I have said that would show my frustration as well? At the same time I would love to be so intellectual that I don't need these words.
Dannnggg it. I thought typing it out would help me make a choice, but I'm so much more confused.
I think I'm not going to stop swearing, but I'll tone it down. The less I swear, the more effect those words will have when I do use them. Sound good? Now swearing isn't for everyone and if you don't like to swear, I would so support that option because that shows strength and self power and that is something I'm jealous of. Fricken yes.
I think it's something you have to figure out for yourself. Do whatever is right for you and your situation.
Come on Babe
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Gotta catch em all
So has anyone else noticed that while you are playing Pokemon and you have just got your Pokemon healed, the lady says "Your Pokemon are all healed! Hope to see you again." That seems all nice right? No. My question is, if they work at a hospital for Pokemon...shouldn't they not want to see you again? Because I only go there when I want to get my Pokemon healed. You would think that they wouldn't want to see you ever again. I always thought that was odd.
And yes I do still play Pokemon. At you can play almost any classic games that you would play on game boy or nintendo. The old nintendo. You can save Pokemon gold so that is what I play.

So I am watching this movie right now. I saw it when it first came out, but that was in 2003. As I am watching it now I remember some parts but not all of them. It is funny and sad and heart-warming all at the same time.

It has some great messages in it, and the acting is not bad which is always extra fawesome. Every scene has something to be learned in it. I think it was very under-exposed and very under-appreciated. And even though it's almost about football and sports, it's a lot more than that. It's about doing the right thing, it's about excepting people as they are, and it's about helping people in a time of need. I think most of all it's about learning how to be a good friend no matter who they are.

He looks so free here. So happy doing the simplest thing. Riding in a shopping cart. It makes me giggle every time I see it. Watch it. It's a good one.
p.s. you get to look at this

periodically through the movie =)
And yes I do still play Pokemon. At you can play almost any classic games that you would play on game boy or nintendo. The old nintendo. You can save Pokemon gold so that is what I play.
So I am watching this movie right now. I saw it when it first came out, but that was in 2003. As I am watching it now I remember some parts but not all of them. It is funny and sad and heart-warming all at the same time.
It has some great messages in it, and the acting is not bad which is always extra fawesome. Every scene has something to be learned in it. I think it was very under-exposed and very under-appreciated. And even though it's almost about football and sports, it's a lot more than that. It's about doing the right thing, it's about excepting people as they are, and it's about helping people in a time of need. I think most of all it's about learning how to be a good friend no matter who they are.
He looks so free here. So happy doing the simplest thing. Riding in a shopping cart. It makes me giggle every time I see it. Watch it. It's a good one.
p.s. you get to look at this
periodically through the movie =)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Alexi Murdoch
Is a beast.
So he is a singer. His music is slower and beautiful. The songs are melodic and calming but at the same time they are catchy and different. His voice makes you want to jump his bones. The lyrics are meaningful and well thought out. (unlike some of the drivel that's been clogging the radio waves) All of the songs are the slower enchanting melodies, except they all have their own personality and beats and sway to them.
Orange Sky and All my Days are amazeballs. But all of the songs are good.

This isn't music you can dance to, but it's music you can relax to or read to or do some homework or play a game. I don't see how anybody could criticize his music, but I'm sure people will. It may not be for some people, and I understand that but just because it's something you may not normally listen to doesn't mean it can't be good in a different way.

This is also great music to unwind to. If you've had a really long stressful day, laying down and listening to him relaxes you and makes the worries of the day fade into the background. (Doing that right now actually) Breathe is a really good one to listen to in these times.

I can sit here and praise him all I want but that is no substitute for actually listening to him. I suggest people make there own opinions about him because we all have brains and personalities, let's use them.
So he is a singer. His music is slower and beautiful. The songs are melodic and calming but at the same time they are catchy and different. His voice makes you want to jump his bones. The lyrics are meaningful and well thought out. (unlike some of the drivel that's been clogging the radio waves) All of the songs are the slower enchanting melodies, except they all have their own personality and beats and sway to them.
Orange Sky and All my Days are amazeballs. But all of the songs are good.
This isn't music you can dance to, but it's music you can relax to or read to or do some homework or play a game. I don't see how anybody could criticize his music, but I'm sure people will. It may not be for some people, and I understand that but just because it's something you may not normally listen to doesn't mean it can't be good in a different way.
This is also great music to unwind to. If you've had a really long stressful day, laying down and listening to him relaxes you and makes the worries of the day fade into the background. (Doing that right now actually) Breathe is a really good one to listen to in these times.
I can sit here and praise him all I want but that is no substitute for actually listening to him. I suggest people make there own opinions about him because we all have brains and personalities, let's use them.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Shoes. I like your shoes.
I want more shoes. I mean I have enough, but I want new ones, pretty ones. Better ones. Mmmm shoes. I want to be able to walk in heels. I love heels. They are so pretty. Wanna see the ones I like?

Or flats. I like these. I don't think I have any clothes that will go with this...Ahh well. I still love them

Just keep shopping,
Or flats. I like these. I don't think I have any clothes that will go with this...Ahh well. I still love them
Just keep shopping,
Thursday, June 2, 2011
We're not gonna take it.
Ever wanted to play a song on the uke?
Yeah me too.
Well this is I'm a believer by the Monkees and these are the chords. You can use these chords for basically any instrument I believe, but I know you can def use it for ukulele's and guitars for sure.
Oh I take no credit for this.
Who ever did is great.
and this is basically more for my benefit so I have a place for all my song I've learned and I don't have to go on a man hunt in my brain to remember the ones I've learned.
I thought love was only true in fairy tales
And (Meant) for someone else but not for me
Love was out to get me
That's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all my dreams
(no chord) G C G
Then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer!
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind.
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried.
I thought love was more or less a given (givin' ?) thing
Seems the more I gave, the less I got
What's the use in tryin'?
All you get is pain.
When I needed sunshine, I got rain.
(no chord) G C G
Then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer!
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind.
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried.
(no chord) G C G
Then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer!
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind.
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Duck Faces. Stop it.
Ever been to You should. Especially if you make that pouty face right before you take pictures, you know...the one where you push your lips out as far as you can, and then try to touch your nose to them
Is this cute?
I think not. This is a disgrace and NOBODY LOOKS CUTE DOING IT. Nothing about it makes a person look cute. It scrunches up your nose, your lips look like they have been injected about a thousand times with collagen and over all it makes you look like you are trying to distort your face so people can't see what you really look like. I'm not saying that people that are duckfaces are not pretty....I mean they aren't pretty when they are doing the face, but when they are not, they could look normal.

This girl is probably pretty...but how can we tell! When you make your face look like somebody just punched you there is no way to tell if you are pretty! Just stop. Spread the word about the dangers of duck facing.
Just Don't Do It.
Is this cute?
I think not. This is a disgrace and NOBODY LOOKS CUTE DOING IT. Nothing about it makes a person look cute. It scrunches up your nose, your lips look like they have been injected about a thousand times with collagen and over all it makes you look like you are trying to distort your face so people can't see what you really look like. I'm not saying that people that are duckfaces are not pretty....I mean they aren't pretty when they are doing the face, but when they are not, they could look normal.
This girl is probably pretty...but how can we tell! When you make your face look like somebody just punched you there is no way to tell if you are pretty! Just stop. Spread the word about the dangers of duck facing.
Just Don't Do It.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
It's Golden
May 17, 2011
I turned 17.
So I didn't really tell anyone it was my birthday because I hate the people who are obnoxious about their birthdays so I was determined to not be like that, and so I just didn't say anything. Except My facebook did. So one of my friends kept yelling down the hall that I was Faith and it was my birthday. Then she posted on facebook every five seconds about my birthday and Then she left school to buy me balloons. Ooooh my goodness, it made me giggle.
Best movie of 2011:

Oh my goodness. Best movie ever.
Made me laugh so hard I cried.
Being 17 is great.
Watch it.
Stop reading this.
Just keep laughing
I turned 17.
So I didn't really tell anyone it was my birthday because I hate the people who are obnoxious about their birthdays so I was determined to not be like that, and so I just didn't say anything. Except My facebook did. So one of my friends kept yelling down the hall that I was Faith and it was my birthday. Then she posted on facebook every five seconds about my birthday and Then she left school to buy me balloons. Ooooh my goodness, it made me giggle.
Best movie of 2011:
Oh my goodness. Best movie ever.
Made me laugh so hard I cried.
Being 17 is great.
Watch it.
Stop reading this.
Just keep laughing
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Happy Birthday to me
I'm gonna be 17
It's my golden birthday
May 17- I'm turning 17
I'm pretty syked
Who wouldn't be?
Of course I am
So I'm on a become....the master

Or just adequate would be fine too
My sister let me borrow it last sunday and I've been playing every day since then
So I'm playing I'm a believer and I'm not great, but I can get through the song with minimal mistakes which is pretty freaking exciting to me.
All I really want is to try EVERYTHING and Ukulele is just the first step to doing that
So I've been watching all of the pokemon episodes from the beginning, and I wish pokemon were real. They are so dang cute and it would be fun to be a trainer. Did you know Ash was only ten when he became a trainer? Well he was. I wonder why they made him so young. But that is the kind of cartoon I like. It's funny and cute and has adventure and there are mythical creatures that everyone wants.

^ I have that as my background on my computer ^-^
I want to be just like Ash. Just not a boy. He goes for what he wants and never backs down. He builds good relationships with all of his pokemon and always protects them from danger. He fights evil and makes sure team rocket never wins. He is the greatest.
Just keep battling
It's my golden birthday
May 17- I'm turning 17
I'm pretty syked
Who wouldn't be?
Of course I am
So I'm on a become....the master
Or just adequate would be fine too
My sister let me borrow it last sunday and I've been playing every day since then
So I'm playing I'm a believer and I'm not great, but I can get through the song with minimal mistakes which is pretty freaking exciting to me.
All I really want is to try EVERYTHING and Ukulele is just the first step to doing that
So I've been watching all of the pokemon episodes from the beginning, and I wish pokemon were real. They are so dang cute and it would be fun to be a trainer. Did you know Ash was only ten when he became a trainer? Well he was. I wonder why they made him so young. But that is the kind of cartoon I like. It's funny and cute and has adventure and there are mythical creatures that everyone wants.
^ I have that as my background on my computer ^-^
I want to be just like Ash. Just not a boy. He goes for what he wants and never backs down. He builds good relationships with all of his pokemon and always protects them from danger. He fights evil and makes sure team rocket never wins. He is the greatest.
Just keep battling
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Is something you can't escape. It's also something you can't dwell on. You can't think about it all the time, where you're going to die, how you're going to die, how old you'll be when you die. Just live your life, and you know what, there are things you are going to regret in life, and you can regret them, just don't let it rule your life. Lead a life that you can look back upon and feel that it was complete. Live in the moment as best as you can, but make sure to always keep your morals. Love all you can, live all you can, take chances on people, and life, and never let anybody but yourself dictate how you want your life to go.
Jacques Pepin
So I guess I'm just going to write about his life and stuff. Soooo here we go.
Oh p.s. I got all my information from
I'm kinda too lazy to actually do works cited because I have been doing them non-stop for two weeks in English. Alright, I get it already, I don't have to memorize how to do it, that is what the internet is for.
Jacques Pepin was born in Bourg-en-Bresse, France.

His parents owned a restaurant, Le Pelican, so he got a lot of exposure to cooking at a young age. He began an apprenticeship at the Grand Hotel de L'Europe when he was thirteen. He worked in Paris, training under Lucien Diat at the Plaza Athenee. Later Pepin was the personal chef to three heads of state, including Charles de Gaulle from 1956-1958.
In 1959, Pepin moved to the United states and worked at Le Pavillon restaurant, he then served as director of research and new development for Howard Johnson Company for ten years. This job taught him about mass production of food, marketing, chemistry of food, and tastes of American food. All the while, he studied at Columbia University earning a M.A. degree in French Literature.
Pepin was a columnist for the New York Times, and still writes a column for Food and Wine. He participates in culinary festivals and other fund-raising events worldwide. He regularly is a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman, The Today Show, and Good Morning America.
Pepin received the French Legion of Honor in 2004, the highest civilian honor. He was named a Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, and a Chevalier de L'Ordre du Merite a French government high honors. A scholarship fund called Jacques Pepin Scholarship Fund was founded by The Culinart Trust for high school minority students. For that he won a Lifetime Achievement Award from the James Beard Foundation. He is the Dean of Special Programs at the French Culinary Institute since 1988 and also a faculty member at Boston University. He founded the American Institute of Wine and Food and is also a member of the International Association of Cooking Professionals. He now lives in Connecticut with his wife Gloria.

This is him. Jacques Pepin. I think he may be my favorite chef so far. I saw a couple of his shows and I love his style of cooking and how he just knows what will taste good together and how to make things look good.
Just keep on keeping on.
Oh p.s. I got all my information from
I'm kinda too lazy to actually do works cited because I have been doing them non-stop for two weeks in English. Alright, I get it already, I don't have to memorize how to do it, that is what the internet is for.
Jacques Pepin was born in Bourg-en-Bresse, France.
His parents owned a restaurant, Le Pelican, so he got a lot of exposure to cooking at a young age. He began an apprenticeship at the Grand Hotel de L'Europe when he was thirteen. He worked in Paris, training under Lucien Diat at the Plaza Athenee. Later Pepin was the personal chef to three heads of state, including Charles de Gaulle from 1956-1958.
In 1959, Pepin moved to the United states and worked at Le Pavillon restaurant, he then served as director of research and new development for Howard Johnson Company for ten years. This job taught him about mass production of food, marketing, chemistry of food, and tastes of American food. All the while, he studied at Columbia University earning a M.A. degree in French Literature.
Pepin was a columnist for the New York Times, and still writes a column for Food and Wine. He participates in culinary festivals and other fund-raising events worldwide. He regularly is a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman, The Today Show, and Good Morning America.
Pepin received the French Legion of Honor in 2004, the highest civilian honor. He was named a Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, and a Chevalier de L'Ordre du Merite a French government high honors. A scholarship fund called Jacques Pepin Scholarship Fund was founded by The Culinart Trust for high school minority students. For that he won a Lifetime Achievement Award from the James Beard Foundation. He is the Dean of Special Programs at the French Culinary Institute since 1988 and also a faculty member at Boston University. He founded the American Institute of Wine and Food and is also a member of the International Association of Cooking Professionals. He now lives in Connecticut with his wife Gloria.
This is him. Jacques Pepin. I think he may be my favorite chef so far. I saw a couple of his shows and I love his style of cooking and how he just knows what will taste good together and how to make things look good.
Just keep on keeping on.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Living on the edge, YEAH YEAH YEAH
I'm listening to it right now as a matter of fact. Trying to get the stupid song out of my head. Have you ever had that happen? Where a song gets stuck in your head and you cannot stop thinking about it? Yeah, well welcome to my personal hell.
Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, Everybody!

Wolfgang Puck: Austrian
Cooking Style: Californian, French, and Fusion

Sursur Lee: Born in Hong Kong
Cooking Style: Fusion Cuisine

Rose Gray: English
Cooking Style: I don't know, I'll find out later

Jamie Oliver: English
Cooking Style: Organic, Italian, British cuisine

Michel Guerard: French
Cooking Style: Again I don't know

Ludovic Lefebvre: French
Cooking Style: Nouvelle

Keith Floyd: English
(Rest in Peace)
Cooking Style: Well....Yeah I don't know again.

Julia Child: America
Cooking Style: French
Jacques Pepin: French
Cooking Style: French

Jean-Georges Vongerichten: French
Cooking Style: Contemporary French, Thai inspired French, American Nouvelle

Gaston Lenotre: French
Cooking Style: Pastry

Emril Lagasse: American
Cooking Style: Cajun, Portuguese, Creole, and French

Cryil Lignac: French
Cooking Style: Uhhhhhhhmmm....yeep.

Alice Waters: American
Cooking Style: California

Alain Passard: French
Cooking Style: I'm guessing French...just a guess

Fredy Girardet: Swiss
Cooking Style: French
Amazing, aren't they? I aspire to have half of their talent. One third would be okay even.
Just keep reading.
I'm listening to it right now as a matter of fact. Trying to get the stupid song out of my head. Have you ever had that happen? Where a song gets stuck in your head and you cannot stop thinking about it? Yeah, well welcome to my personal hell.
Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, Everybody!
My dream job would to become a chef. I love food, I love working with food and it is one of the only jobs that I would not be doing the same exact thing everyday. Yes I would be cooking everyday, but not the same things. I can experiment with exotic food and see other parts of the world. I think it is about the best profession I can think of.
So I was thinking that I should look up some world renowned chefs because if I was going to go into that field of work I should know the famous people in it. I am going to write about a few of them in later posts just so you have the information about them, and for me also.
Here's some I'll talk about:
Wolfgang Puck: Austrian
Cooking Style: Californian, French, and Fusion
Sursur Lee: Born in Hong Kong
Cooking Style: Fusion Cuisine
Rose Gray: English
Cooking Style: I don't know, I'll find out later
Jamie Oliver: English
Cooking Style: Organic, Italian, British cuisine
Michel Guerard: French
Cooking Style: Again I don't know
Ludovic Lefebvre: French
Cooking Style: Nouvelle
Keith Floyd: English
(Rest in Peace)
Cooking Style: Well....Yeah I don't know again.
Julia Child: America
Cooking Style: French
Jacques Pepin: French
Cooking Style: French
Jean-Georges Vongerichten: French
Cooking Style: Contemporary French, Thai inspired French, American Nouvelle
Gaston Lenotre: French
Cooking Style: Pastry
Emril Lagasse: American
Cooking Style: Cajun, Portuguese, Creole, and French
Cryil Lignac: French
Cooking Style: Uhhhhhhhmmm....yeep.
Alice Waters: American
Cooking Style: California
Alain Passard: French
Cooking Style: I'm guessing French...just a guess
Fredy Girardet: Swiss
Cooking Style: French
Amazing, aren't they? I aspire to have half of their talent. One third would be okay even.
Just keep reading.
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