1. Looking for someone never works.
You can look all you want but that won't guarantee that you'll find someone and you can't waste all your time looking for a significant other. I believe everyone has the potential to fall in love and there is someone for everyone, but if you try and force love then it will never work, you can't make yourself love someone, it won't work out.
Nobody is perfect, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship either. The thing about love is that it isn't with the perfect person, everyone has faults, it's with someone that you love despite of their faults. It's learning to deal with all of them. Duh people.
I used to think when I saw kids getting together that they all seemed like great couples and that they would last, then I saw the truth. High school relationships do not last past high school. It doesn't effing work. We are all too young and too immature to know how to be a good significant other. Half of us don't even know who we are, or what we want to do. And not to mention the hormones. I see couples now as ticking time bombs, just waiting to explode. People constantly break up and then fall in "love" again.
Don't even get me started on stupid girls who swear they fall in love the first week of the relationship. They think they are in love with someone they barely know, how much can you know a person after only knowing them for a couple days, how much do you really know a person after a year? As much as they want, really. What's worse about all this? They have unprotected sex. Guys think pulling out is enough and girls think if they give themselves to a guy they will love them. I am so sick of girls getting pregnant. There are so many ways to not have babies! Utilize them people! Girls it's up to you to make sure. Refuse sex without a condom, or get the PILL. Guys You don't want kids! CONDOMS don't rely on girls to take their pills on time every time, they are a pain in the butt. So come on people there are enough kids in the world already. You're not ready to support another human.
Keep on arguing.
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