It's my golden birthday
May 17- I'm turning 17
I'm pretty syked
Who wouldn't be?
Of course I am
So I'm on a become....the master
Or just adequate would be fine too
My sister let me borrow it last sunday and I've been playing every day since then
So I'm playing I'm a believer and I'm not great, but I can get through the song with minimal mistakes which is pretty freaking exciting to me.
All I really want is to try EVERYTHING and Ukulele is just the first step to doing that
So I've been watching all of the pokemon episodes from the beginning, and I wish pokemon were real. They are so dang cute and it would be fun to be a trainer. Did you know Ash was only ten when he became a trainer? Well he was. I wonder why they made him so young. But that is the kind of cartoon I like. It's funny and cute and has adventure and there are mythical creatures that everyone wants.
^ I have that as my background on my computer ^-^
I want to be just like Ash. Just not a boy. He goes for what he wants and never backs down. He builds good relationships with all of his pokemon and always protects them from danger. He fights evil and makes sure team rocket never wins. He is the greatest.
Just keep battling
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