I'm listening to it right now as a matter of fact. Trying to get the stupid song out of my head. Have you ever had that happen? Where a song gets stuck in your head and you cannot stop thinking about it? Yeah, well welcome to my personal hell.
Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, Everybody!
My dream job would to become a chef. I love food, I love working with food and it is one of the only jobs that I would not be doing the same exact thing everyday. Yes I would be cooking everyday, but not the same things. I can experiment with exotic food and see other parts of the world. I think it is about the best profession I can think of.
So I was thinking that I should look up some world renowned chefs because if I was going to go into that field of work I should know the famous people in it. I am going to write about a few of them in later posts just so you have the information about them, and for me also.
Here's some I'll talk about:

Wolfgang Puck: Austrian
Cooking Style: Californian, French, and Fusion

Sursur Lee: Born in Hong Kong
Cooking Style: Fusion Cuisine

Rose Gray: English
Cooking Style: I don't know, I'll find out later

Jamie Oliver: English
Cooking Style: Organic, Italian, British cuisine

Michel Guerard: French
Cooking Style: Again I don't know

Ludovic Lefebvre: French
Cooking Style: Nouvelle

Keith Floyd: English
(Rest in Peace)
Cooking Style: Well....Yeah I don't know again.

Julia Child: America
Cooking Style: French
Jacques Pepin: French
Cooking Style: French

Jean-Georges Vongerichten: French
Cooking Style: Contemporary French, Thai inspired French, American Nouvelle

Gaston Lenotre: French
Cooking Style: Pastry

Emril Lagasse: American
Cooking Style: Cajun, Portuguese, Creole, and French

Cryil Lignac: French
Cooking Style: Uhhhhhhhmmm....yeep.

Alice Waters: American
Cooking Style: California

Alain Passard: French
Cooking Style: I'm guessing French...just a guess

Fredy Girardet: Swiss
Cooking Style: French
Amazing, aren't they? I aspire to have half of their talent. One third would be okay even.
Just keep reading.