Aren't gazelles so graceful and cute? I think they are. Their horns curve so gracefully and subtly.
So I was looking at other people's blogs, and the one thing that always made me NOT want to read it was if they had no pictures, and just really long posts about their lives and such, and I'm not trying to be rude, but unless there is something extraordinary about their lives, why would I want to read it? If you are going to talk about your life, then your life has to be more than the average american's. If you are going to talk about your children you better have over five, or have one that has something special about them (a disease or something) I like the blogs that have to-do's or have opinions about different things, or have SOMETHING that makes them stand out against the rest of the thousands of blogs out there. Now I'm not saying that if your blog isn't like this that it won't prosper, and I'm definitely not saying that I am a blog master and I know what's what and I know everything, I'm just saying what makes ME interested.
I love the smell of this stuff. It is so delicious smelling and if I could smell if all the time...I would. The freshly smelling coffee grounds are so amazing. When I inhale the grounds the smell takes me into a whole different state of mind. I think of being awake and being alive and of what makes me happy. I remember when I was younger I wanted to like coffee so badly because I loved the way the grounds smelled. Every time we walked through the store, I had to stop and smell all of the different types of coffee. Even if I didn't like coffee now, I would buy coffee grounds just to smell them.
As I grew older, I began to appreciate the taste of coffee a little more. My step father drank it all the time and I remember sitting in the truck on our way to where ever and he always had a small cup of coffee (He was a third shifter). I loved when he had coffee because I just liked to smell it. But when my sister started drinking it, well it had to be good because if me sister thought it was cool, it had to be. So little by little I started drinking coffee. At first it had so much sugar in it that you could barely taste coffee. Then I wouldn't put in SO much sugar, but still a lot, and some creamer. Now I put just enough sugar to make the bitter after taste of coffee go away, but still have the actual taste of coffee. I have never liked the way the bitter aftertaste sat on my tongue so I do things to get around that. It cracks me up how people get so addicted to coffee that they can't go a half of an hour without getting a new cup. I love coffee, but I don't need to have it.
Keep on singing
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