Woot. Tigers won. =)
Like that picture? Me too. Love the brotips.
But man, there is something awesome about everyone and you need to start believing it. Don't be a baby or a wussy, get with it and start acting awesome. And not in a "I'm awesome, (but I'm actually a juice bag)!" sort of way. Just a "I'm pretty fly. (I'm cool but I don't forget who my friends are and I'm not too cool to talk to anyone)!" sort of way. Ya know? Be confident in yourself, because you only get to be one person. I hate it when people are awesome and they don't see it. Love yourself bro!
Babiiiieeeesss. I want to know why they all have these mussed up names. Like that celeb who named the kid Apple. Holy shitballs. Who names their kid Apple? It's insane. Pick a name for your kid and stick with it. An actual NAME. Not a freaking fruit or a bunch of letters you saw in a bowl of letter soup. Crazy parents need to stop trying to make their kid something special by naming them dumb names. If they would allow their kids to grow up with a regular name their kids will be able to find something special about themselves without having to grow up in the shadow of their own name.
Like my ranting? I do it quite often. I don't know why I get so heated when I talk about...well basically everything.
Ah well.
So I read the book Battle Royal. Oh my gosh it was so good. Basically it is about a class in Japan that was selected for this thing called the "Program" and they were put on an Island and they were told to kill each other. They each got a weapon, and whichever person was last alive, won. Lots of blood. Lots of gore. But a good story line. I would suggest it for anyone who loves a good book. Maybe not for anyone with a weak tummy though.
Oh so one of my friends is home from college (which is seven hours away) for the weekend, and I didn't know she was coming down, so when I saw her I almost cried. I was so happy!
I don't think I have much else to say...
I'm being Misty for Halloween. =)
Keep on rocking.