Saturday, September 24, 2011

Shellaced babe

For Homecoming I got my nails done. I got shellac.
I wasn't sure at first, but I've made up my mind. It's friggen magic.
First day I got them done. They are purple if you can't tell. Periodically throughout the week I would scratch something and think oh crap I did it now, thinking I messed it up. No chance buck.
No change. Well except my nails have grown out. Amazing right? Right. I would suggest this to people who don't have time to think about their nails constantly, or if they look good. I legit would have to scrape this stuff off. And it's so smooth. The only bad thing is that it stays on so long that your nails grow out. But is that even a bad thing? That means it's so kick ass the only bad thing is that it stays on super long.




Friday, September 23, 2011

Fricken A

     As I was growing up my mother told me never to swear. Never. I wasn't even allowed to say Oh my God. Very conservative. But as a I grew up and went to public school, I found I was surrounded by people using the bad words more and more. I learned new words that were completely foreign to me. I didn't really use them during my middle school years. I remember the first time I used a naughty word. It made my stomach churn. I was afraid to.

    Even as a freshman, my capacity for swearing was rather low. Then when later in my high school years it became easier and easier the more I would say the words. Now it seems to be amazingly easy. I can literally swear and feel nothing. Before I thought "Hey I can think of more clever ways to insult people, I don't need those words! I can describe things without saying f*** every other word" and I can. I can insult people without swearing. I can describe things without saying F***. But sometimes I just can't help it. I can't seem to find the words to say what I mean and the swear words describe them perfectly. But when I hear other people swear constantly, it makes me look at them differently. They don't sound intelligent.
     What I've been contemplating is whether or not I should swear. Or how much I should swear. Or whatever. Because believe me sometimes it is just great.
    There is this kid who I'm pretty sure wants to get in my pants, but you couldn't pay me to. I mean I know I'm not the hottest shiz, but I've got some self respect. So basically he wanted me to text him, and I tried to divert him from wanting me to by saying...
Photobucket(which is a lie)
I had been talking to my friend about it and when I got that message (on FB) I took a picture and sent it to her with the label F**************************CK. She had told me to just say no but of course I didn't want to be mean, so that's how I tried to get him to not talk to me. Did not work out. I tried again...

Photobucket(Bigger lie)
Fricken No. It didn't work AGAIN. I again texted this picture to my friend with the same label as the one before. She replied "He just practically said he loved you already. He accepts all your faults and wants to love you forever" I died laughing at that.
But I know I kinda got off track with that story but what I was trying to say was that what else could I have said that would show my frustration as well? At the same time I would love to be so intellectual that I don't need these words.

Dannnggg it. I thought typing it out would help me make a choice, but I'm so much more confused.
I think I'm not going to stop swearing, but I'll tone it down. The less I swear, the more effect those words will have when I do use them. Sound good? Now swearing isn't for everyone and if you don't like to swear, I would so support that option because that shows strength and self power and that is something I'm jealous of. Fricken yes.
I think it's something you have to figure out for yourself. Do whatever is right for you and your situation.

Come on Babe

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gotta catch em all

So has anyone else noticed that while you are playing Pokemon and you have just got your Pokemon healed, the lady says "Your Pokemon are all healed! Hope to see you again." That seems all nice right? No. My question is, if they work at a hospital for Pokemon...shouldn't they not want to see you again? Because I only go there when I want to get my Pokemon healed. You would think that they wouldn't want to see you ever again. I always thought that was odd.

And yes I do still play Pokemon. At you can play almost any classic games that you would play on game boy or nintendo. The old nintendo. You can save Pokemon gold so that is what I play.


So I am watching this movie right now. I saw it when it first came out, but that was in 2003. As I am watching it now I remember some parts but not all of them. It is funny and sad and heart-warming all at the same time.


It has some great messages in it, and the acting is not bad which is always extra fawesome. Every scene has something to be learned in it. I think it was very under-exposed and very under-appreciated. And even though it's almost about football and sports, it's a lot more than that. It's about doing the right thing, it's about excepting people as they are, and it's about helping people in a time of need. I think most of all it's about learning how to be a good friend no matter who they are.


He looks so free here. So happy doing the simplest thing. Riding in a shopping cart. It makes me giggle every time I see it. Watch it. It's a good one.


p.s. you get to look at this
periodically through the movie =)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Alexi Murdoch

Is a beast.
So he is a singer. His music is slower and beautiful. The songs are melodic and calming but at the same time they are catchy and different. His voice makes you want to jump his bones. The lyrics are meaningful and well thought out. (unlike some of the drivel that's been clogging the radio waves) All of the songs are the slower enchanting melodies, except they all have their own personality and beats and sway to them.
 Orange Sky and All my Days are amazeballs. But all of the songs are good.

This isn't music you can dance to, but it's music you can relax to or read to or do some homework or play a game. I don't see how anybody could criticize his music, but I'm sure people will. It may not be for some people, and I understand that but just because it's something you may not normally listen to doesn't mean it can't be good in a different way.

This is also great music to unwind to. If you've had a really long stressful day, laying down and listening to him relaxes you and makes the worries of the day fade into the background. (Doing that right now actually) Breathe is a really good one to listen to in these times.

I can sit here and praise him all I want but that is no substitute for actually listening to him. I suggest people make there own opinions about him because we all have brains and personalities, let's use them.
